Efficient allocation of heterogeneous response times in information spreading process

Ai Xiang Cui, Wei Wang, Ming Tang, Yan Fu, Xiaoming Liang, Younghae Do

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31 Scopus citations


Recently, the impacts of spatiotemporal heterogeneities of human activities on spreading dynamics have attracted extensive attention. In this paper, we intend to understand how the heterogeneous distribution of response times at the individual level influences information spreading. Based on the uncorrelated scale-free networks without degree-degree correlation, we study the susceptible-infected spreading dynamics with adjustable power-law response time distribution, and find that the stronger the heterogeneity of response times is, the faster the information spreading is in the early and middle stages. Following a given heterogeneity, the procedure of reducing the correlation between the response times and degrees of individuals can also accelerate the spreading dynamics in the early and middle stages. However, the dynamics in the late stage is slightly more complicated, and there is an optimal value of the full prevalence time (i.e., the time for full infection on a network) changing with the heterogeneity of response times and the response time-degree correlation, respectively. The optimal phenomena result from the efficient allocation of heterogeneous response times.

Original languageEnglish
Article number033113
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1 Sep 2014


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