Efficient static corrective control for model matching and fault tolerance of asynchronous sequential machines

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3 Scopus citations


This paper addresses a static corrective control scheme for input/state asynchronous sequential machines (ASMs) with transient faults. While the previous static controllers have tight existence conditions and achieve only model matching, such restraints are relaxed in this study. To this end, a diagnoser identifying model mismatches and transient faults is introduced to facilitate the design of the static controller. Also state bursts, or fast outbursts of state characters generated by the controlled machine during transitions, are used as feedback. In association with the diangoser, we present the existence condition and design algorithm for the static corrective controller that matches the stable-state behavior of the closed-loop system to that of a reference model while invalidating the adverse effect of transient faults. A case study is provided to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed control methodology.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3975-3992
Number of pages18
JournalJournal of the Franklin Institute
Issue number7
StatePublished - May 2020


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