Etiological Distribution and Morphological Patterns of Granulomatous Pleurisy in a Tuberculosis-prevalent Country

Jaehee Lee, Sunji Park, Ji Eun Park, Sun Ha Choi, Hyewon Seo, Seung Soo Yoo, Shin Yup Lee, Yu Kyung Kim, Seung lck Cha, Jae Yong Park, Tae In Park, Chang Ho Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


The cause of epithelioid granulomatous inflammation varies widely depending on the affected organ, geographic region, and whether the granulomas morphologically contain necrosis. Compared with other organs, the etiological distribution and morphological patterns of pleural epithelioid granulomas have rarely been investigated. We evaluated the final etiologies and morphological patterns of pleural epithelioid granulomatous inflammation in a tuberculosis (TB)-prevalent country. Of 83 patients with pleural granulomas, 50 (60.2%) had confirmed TB pleurisy (TB-P) and 29 (34.9%) had probable TB-P. Four patients (4.8%) with non-TB-P were diagnosed. With the exception of microbiological results, there was no significant difference in clinical characteristics and granuloma patterns between the confirmed TB-P and non-TB-P groups, or between patients with confirmed and probable TB-Ps. These findings suggest that most pleural granulomatous inflammation (95.2%) was attributable to TB-P in TB-endemic areas and that the granuloma patterns contributed little to the prediction of final diagnosis compared with other organs.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere10
JournalJournal of Korean Medical Science
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2021


  • Granuloma
  • Necrosis
  • Pleura
  • Tuberculosis


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