Fabrication of an optical imaging system for characterizing immune cell clones

Seong Hun Jang, Young Gu Ju, Jae Min Lee, Jae Hyun You, Soo Min Park, Hong Gu Joo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


An optical system was designed to obtain and analyze images of the immune cell clones on a micro-well plate. The immune cell clones appeared as dark spots when the ELISPOT (enzymelinked immunospot) method was used. The imaging hardware comprises off-the-shelf components, such as a commercial relay lens and a digital camera, except for the opto-mechanical adapter which was made by using a 3D printer. Furthermore, the image analysis was performed by using the opensource software called ImageJ in order to automate the counting of the spots. The various functions of ImageJ and the macro-programming capability allowed a complicated analysis and calculation of the images of the cell colonies obtained by using the ELISPOT method. The ELISPOT reader based on off-the-shelf components and the open-source software may contribute to a more widespread use of the ELISPOT method.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)631-636
Number of pages6
JournalNew Physics: Sae Mulli
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2016


  • Image processin
  • Relay lens


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