Flexible Nonvolatile Polymer Memory Array on Plastic Substrate via Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition

Byung Chul Jang, Hyejeong Seong, Sung Kyu Kim, Jong Yun Kim, Beom Jun Koo, Junhwan Choi, Sang Yoon Yang, Sung Gap Im, Sung Yool Choi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

76 Scopus citations


Resistive random access memory based on polymer thin films has been developed as a promising flexible nonvolatile memory for flexible electronic systems. Memory plays an important role in all modern electronic systems for data storage, processing, and communication; thus, the development of flexible memory is essential for the realization of flexible electronics. However, the existing solution-processed, polymer-based RRAMs have exhibited serious drawbacks in terms of the uniformity, electrical stability, and long-term stability of the polymer thin films. Here, we present poly(1,3,5-trimethyl-1,3,5-trivinyl cyclotrisiloxane) (pV3D3)-based RRAM arrays fabricated via the solvent-free technique called initiated chemical vapor deposition (iCVD) process for flexible memory application. Because of the outstanding chemical stability of pV3D3 films, the pV3D3-RRAM arrays can be fabricated by a conventional photolithography process. The pV3D3-RRAM on flexible substrates showed unipolar resistive switching memory with an on/off ratio of over 107, stable retention time for 105 s, excellent cycling endurance over 105 cycles, and robust immunity to mechanical stress. In addition, pV3D3-RRAMs showed good uniformity in terms of device-to-device distribution. The pV3D3-RRAM will pave the way for development of next-generation flexible nonvolatile memory devices.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)12951-12958
Number of pages8
JournalACS applied materials & interfaces
Issue number20
StatePublished - 25 May 2016


  • Cu filament
  • flexible memory
  • highly cross-linked-polymer
  • initiated chemical vapor deposition (iCVD)
  • polymer RRAM


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