Full-Chip Signal Integrity Analysis and Optimization of 3-D ICs

Taigon Song, Chang Liu, Yarui Peng, Sung Kyu Lim

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23 Scopus citations


Through-silicon-via (TSV)-to-TSV coupling is a new phenomenon in 3-D ICs, and it becomes a significant source of signal integrity problems. The existing studies on its extraction and analysis, however, become inaccurate when handling more than two TSVs on full-chip scale. In this paper, we investigate the multiple TSV-to-TSV coupling issue and propose a model that can be efficiently used for full-chip extraction. Then, we perform an analysis on the impact of TSV parasitics on coupling and delay. Unlike the common belief that only the closest neighboring TSVs affect the victim, this paper shows that nonneighboring aggressors also cause nonnegligible coupling noise. Based on these observations, we propose an effective method of reducing the overall coupling level.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7273940
Pages (from-to)1636-1648
Number of pages13
JournalIEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2016


  • 3-D IC
  • coupling
  • crosstalk
  • full chip
  • signal integrity (SI)
  • through-silicon via (TSV).


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