Generalizations of a Conway algebra for oriented surface-links via marked graph diagrams

Yongju Bae, Seonmi Choi, Seongjeong Kim

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In 1987, Przytyski and Traczyk introduced an algebraic structure, called a Conway algebra, and constructed an invariant of oriented links, which is a generalization of the HOMFLY-PT polynomial invariant. In 2018, Kim generalized a Conway algebra, which is an algebraic structure with two skein relations, which is called a generalized Conway algebra. In 2017, Joung, Kamada, Kawauchi and Lee constructed a polynomial invariant of oriented surface-links by using marked graph diagrams. In this paper, we will introduce generalizations MA and MÂ of a Conway algebra and a generalized Conway algebra, which are called a marked Conway algebra and a generalized marked Conway algebra, respectively. We will construct invariants valued in MA and MÂ for oriented marked graphs and oriented surface-links by applying binary operations to classical crossings and marked vertices via marked graph diagrams. The polynomial invariant of oriented surface-links is obtained from the invariant valued in the marked Conway algebra with additional conditions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1842014
JournalJournal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications
Issue number13
StatePublished - 1 Nov 2018


  • Conway algebra
  • conway type invariant
  • generalized conway algebra
  • generalized conway type invariant
  • marked graph
  • polynomial invariant
  • surface-link


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