Green Fog Planning for Optimal Internet-of-Thing Task Scheduling

Zhiming He, Yin Zhang, Byungchul Tak, Limei Peng

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

18 Scopus citations


The incoming 5G technology is expected to proliferate tremendous internet-of-thing (IoT) services with real-time and mobility requirements, which are quite different from the legacy cloud services. Due to the centralized management relying on distant datacenters, cloud computing is short of satisfying the stringent IoT requirements, such as ultra-low latency, mobility, etc. Instead, distributed edge computing, such as fog computing has been coined as a promising approach and has received enormous attention in recent years. In this paper, to optimally provision the huge volume of IoT services with significant diversity, we propose to efficiently organize the leisure network devices in the network edge to form fog networks (fogs), which are then integrated with the cloud to provide storage and computing resources. Specifically, we propose two Integer Linear Programming (ILP) models to solve the fog planning issue under the integrated Cloud-Fog (iCloudFog) framework. In the first ILP model, the objective is to minimize the CAPEX cost caused by planning fogs and the OPEX cost caused by utilizing the planned fogs. In the second ILP model, the objective is to minimize the power consumption while maximizing the number of successfully provisioned IoT tasks on the planned fogs. The proposed ILP models are numerically evaluated by considering different IoT task requirements, such as real-time and mobility. The numerical results show that efficiently planned fogs can help to reduce the planning overhead while satisfying diverse IoT task requirements.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8941132
Pages (from-to)1224-1234
Number of pages11
JournalIEEE Access
StatePublished - 2020


  • cloud computing
  • energy efficiency
  • Fog computing
  • IoT
  • network planning


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