Growth of AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN double heterojunction field-effect transistors and the observation of a compositional pulling effect

Z. Chen, Y. Pei, S. Newman, D. Brown, R. Chung, S. Keller, S. P. Denbaars, S. Nakamura, U. K. Mishra

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28 Scopus citations


Field-effect transistors (FETs) were grown on both GaN and AlGaN buffers. X-ray reciprocal space mapping and ω-2θ scans showed that the AlGaN barriers grown on these two buffers had different Al compositions and growth rates, which was attributed to the compositional pulling effect. AlGaN/GaN/AlGaN double heterojunction FETs exhibited lower output conductance and better pinch-off due to the improved electron confinement resulting from the increase in the effective back-side barrier height. Thus, this device is promising for highly scaled transistors. This device also demonstrated a state-of-the-art power added efficiency of 53.5% and an associated power gain of 9.1 dB at a drain bias of 20 V at 30 GHz.

Original languageEnglish
Article number171117
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number17
StatePublished - 2009


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