High-voltage-activated calcium channel messenger RNA expression in the 140-3 neuroblastoma-glioma cell line

W. Gottschalk, D. S. Kim, H. Chin, E. F. Stanley

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5 Scopus citations


Expression of calcium channel α1 subunits in oocytes or cell lines has proven to be a powerful method in the analysis of structure-function relations, but these experimental systems are of limited value in the examination of neuron-specific functions such as transmitter release. Cell lines derived from neurons are often capable of these functions, but their intrinsic calcium channel α1 subunits are complicating factors in experimental design. We have examined the biophysical and molecular properties of calcium channels in a little studied neuroblastoma-glioma hybrid cell line, 140-3, a close relative of the NG108-15 cell line, to test whether this cell line might serve a role as an expression system for neural mechanisms. This cell was selected as it contains an intact transmitter release mechanism yet secretes little in response to depolarization. Patch- clamp recording revealed only a prominent low-threshold, rapidly inactivating calcium current with a single-channel conductance of ~7 pS that was identified as T type. A search for calcium channel α1 subunit messenger RNA in the 140-3 cells with three different tests only revealed α(1C), whereas α(1A)-α(1C) were present in the parent NG108-15 line. We made a particular effort to search for α(1E), since this subunit has been associated with a low-voltage-activated current. Our findings suggest that, since the principal nerve terminal-associated calcium channels (α(1A), α(1B), α(1E)) are absent in the 140-3 cell, this cell line may prove a particularly useful model for the analysis of the role of high-voltage-activated calcium channels in complex functions of neuronal cells.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)975-983
Number of pages9
Issue number3
StatePublished - Oct 1999


  • α subunit
  • Calcium channel
  • Low-voltage-activated
  • T type


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