Higher-order Vlasov torsion theory for thin-walled box beams

Soomin Choi, Yoon Young Kim

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28 Scopus citations


Non-negligible sectional deformations, such as warping and distortion, occur in thin-walled beams under a twisting moment. For accurate analysis, these deformations need to be considered as additional kinematic degrees besides the degrees of freedom used in the classical St. Venant torsion theory. Vlasov pioneered to develop a higher-order beam theory for torsion that incorporates warping and distortion, but more sectional deformation modes than those considered in the Vlasov theory are needed to improve solution accuracy. Several theories were developed towards this direction, but no higher-order beam theory for torsion appears to allow explicit F-U and σ-F relations (U: kinematic variables, F: generalized forces, σ: stresses) as established by the Vlasov theory. In that the explicit relations are useful to interpret the physical significance of the generalized forces and can be critical in deriving explicit equilibrium conditions among the generalized forces at a joint of multiple thin-walled beams, a theory allowing the explicit relations needs to be developed. In this study, we newly propose a higher-order Vlasov torsion theory that not only includes as many torsion-related modes as desired but also provides the explicit F-U and σ-F relations that are fully consistent with those by the Vlasov theory. Towards this direction, we show that expressing the σ-U relation only with sectional mode shapes orthogonal to each other is critical in establishing explicit F-U and σ-F relations. We then establish new recursive relations that can be used to express each of derivatives for the sectional mode shapes involved in the σ-U relation as a linear combination of other orthogonal sectional mode shapes. In the developed theory, even stresses at off-centerline positions of the beam cross-section are explicitly related to F. The validity and accuracy of the proposed theory are confirmed by examining displacements, stresses, and eigenfrequencies for several torsion problems. The numerical results by the proposed theory are in good agreement with those by the shell analysis.

Original languageEnglish
Article number106231
JournalInternational Journal of Mechanical Sciences
StatePublished - 1 Apr 2021


  • Distortion
  • Thin-walled beam
  • Torsion
  • Vlasov torsion theory
  • Warping


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