Impact of boundary layer simulation on predicting radioactive pollutant dispersion: A case study for HANARO research reactor using the WRF-MMIF-CALPUFF modeling system

Kyo Sun Sunny Lim, Jong Myung Lim, Jiwoo Lee, Hyeyum Hailey Shin

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7 Scopus citations


Wind plays an important role in cases of unexpected radioactive pollutant dispersion, deciding distribution and concentration of the leaked substance. The accurate prediction of wind has been challenging in numerical weather prediction models, especially near the surface because of the complex interaction between turbulent flow and topographic effect. In this study, we investigated the characteristics of atmospheric dispersion of radioactive material (i.e. 137Cs) according to the simulated boundary layer around the HANARO research nuclear reactor in Korea using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)-Mesoscale Model Interface (MMIF)-California Puff (CALPUFF) model system. We examined the impacts of orographic drag on wind field, stability calculation methods, and planetary boundary layer parameterizations on the dispersion of radioactive material under a radioactive leaking scenario. We found that inclusion of the orographic drag effect in the WRF model improved the wind prediction most significantly over the complex terrain area, leading the model system to estimate the radioactive concentration near the reactor more conservatively. We also emphasized the importance of the stability calculation method and employing the skillful boundary layer parameterization to ensure more accurate low atmospheric conditions, in order to simulate more feasible spatial distribution of the radioactive dispersion in leaking scenarios.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)244-252
Number of pages9
JournalNuclear Engineering and Technology
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2021


  • Dispersion of radioactive material
  • Stability calculation
  • Wind fields
  • WRF


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