Impact of scanning strategy on the accuracy of complete-arch intraoral scans: A preliminary study on segmental scans and merge methods

Hai Yen Mai, Hang Nga Mai, Cheong Hee Lee, Kyu Bok Lee, So Yeun Kim, Jae Mok Lee, Keun Woo Lee, Du Hyeong Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

24 Scopus citations


PURPOSE. This study investigated the accuracy of full-arch intraoral scans obtained by various scan strategies with the segmental scan and merge methods. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Seventy intraoral scans (seven scans per group) were performed using 10 scan strategies that difered in the segmental scan (1, 2, or 3 segments) and the scanning motion (straight, zigzag, or combined). The three-dimensional (3D) geometric accuracy of scan images was evaluated by comparison with a reference image in an image analysis software program, in terms of the arch shape discrepancies. Measurement parameters were the intermolar distance, interpremolar distance, anteroposterior distance, and global surface deviation. One-way analysis of variance and Tukey honestly signifcance diference post hoc tests were carried out to compare diferences among the scan strategy groups (α = .05). RESULTS. The linear discrepancy values of intraoral scans were not diferent among scan strategies performed with the single scan and segmental scan methods. In general, diferences in the scan motion did not show diferent accuracies, except for the intermolar distance measured under the scan conditions of a 3-segmental scan and zigzag motion. The global surface deviations were not diferent among all scan strategies. CONCLUSION. The segmental scan and merge methods using two scan parts appear to be reliable as an alternative to the single scan method for full-arch intraoral scans. When three segmental scans are involved, the accuracy of complete arch scan can be negatively afected.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)88-95
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Advanced Prosthodontics
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2022


  • Accuracy
  • Image stitching
  • Intraoral scan
  • Scan motion
  • Scan strategy
  • Segmental scan


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