Implant overdenture impressions using a dynamic impression concept

Byung Kil Lee, Sang Hun Park, Cheong Hee Lee, Jin Hyun Cho

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


A dynamic impression is a functional impression that records the functional movement of the patient's own muscle and muscle attachment. This process reduces the number of random factors. This article describes a method for making a special tray using a dynamic impression concept that was made from provisional dentures used for implant healing. The individual tray is used to make a wash-impression to record the features of the mucosa in detail. The main advantage of this technique is that it provides a functional relationship of the implant components to the supporting tissues without overextension because provisional denture had been used for 2 months and the border length of individual tray was nearly the same as that of provisional denture. The delivery of the prosthesis constructed using this impression technique is time-saving because there is no need for border molding and there are fewer post-insertion appliance adjustments.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)66-70
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Advanced Prosthodontics
Issue number1
StatePublished - Feb 2014


  • Dynamic impression
  • Functional impression
  • Implant overdenture
  • Tissue conditioner


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