Implications of naturalness for the heavy Higgs bosons of supersymmetry

Kyu Jung Bae, Howard Baer, Vernon Barger, Dan Mickelson, Michael Savoy

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14 Scopus citations


Recently, it has been argued that various measures of supersymmetric naturalness - electroweak, Higgs mass and EENZ/BG - when applied consistently, concur with one another and make very specific predictions for natural supersymmetric spectra. Highly natural spectra are characterized by light Higgsinos with mass not too far from mh and well-mixed but TeV-scale third generation squarks. We apply the unified naturalness measure to the case of heavy Higgs bosons A, H and H±. We find that their masses are bounded from above by naturalness depending on tanβ: e.g. for 10% fine-tuning and tanβ∼10, we expect mA≲2.5TeV whilst for 3% fine-tuning and tanβ as high as 50, then mA≲8TeV. Furthermore, the presence of light Higgsinos seriously alters the heavy Higgs boson branching ratios, thus diminishing prospects for usual searches into standard model final states, while new discovery possibilities arise due to the supersymmetric decay modes. The heavy supersymmetric decay modes tend to be H,A,H±→W,Z, or h+ET+soft tracks so that single heavy Higgs production is characterized by the presence of high pT W, Z or h bosons plus missing ET. These new heavy Higgs boson signatures seem to be challenging to extract from SM backgrounds.

Original languageEnglish
Article number075010
JournalPhysical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Issue number7
StatePublished - 14 Oct 2014


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