Importance of the van Hove singularity in superconducting PdTe2

Kyoo Kim, Sooran Kim, J. S. Kim, Heejung Kim, J. H. Park, B. I. Min

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44 Scopus citations


We have investigated the electronic, phononic, and superconducting properties of the transition-metal dichalcogenide superconductor PdTe2, and explored the origin of different superconducting behaviors between PdTe2 and its isostructural PtTe2 that is nonsuperconducting. We have found that the saddle-point van Hove singularity (vHs) near the Fermi level, which interacts strongly with Te phonon modes, plays an important role in the BCS-type superconductivity of PdTe2. We show that, with electron doping, the vHs in PdTe2 shifts down toward the Fermi level to enhance Tc, as is consistent with the observed enhancement of Tc in Cu-doped PdTe2. We ascribe the absence of superconductivity in PtTe2 to the different dispersion behavior of the saddle-point vHs band from that of PdTe2. We also suggest that this difference in the vHs band behaviors is responsible for the different structural responses of PdTe2 and PtTe2 to external pressure.

Original languageEnglish
Article number165102
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number16
StatePublished - 3 Apr 2018


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