Influence of restrained condition on mechanical properties, frost resistance, and carbonation resistance of expansive concrete

Nguyen Duc Van, Emika Kuroiwa, Jihoon Kim, Hyeonggil Choi, Yukio Hama

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Scopus citations


This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation of the effect of the restrained condition on the mechanical properties, frost resistance, and carbonation resistance of expansive concrete with different water-binder ratios. In this study, length change ratio test, expansion strain test, compressive strength test, mercury intrusion porosimetry test, underwater weighing test, freezing-thawing test, and accelerated carbonation test were performed to evaluate the mechanical properties, pore size distribution, total porosity, and durability of expansive concrete under both restrained and unrestrained conditions. The test results indicate that the length change ratio and expansion strain of the expansive concrete were controlled by the restrained condition. The compressive strength of expansive concrete was enhanced by the triaxial restraining when the amount of expansive additive was 40 kg/m3 of concrete. Two hypotheses were described to explain the change of pore structure change expansive mortar. The results also indicate that the carbonation resistance and frost resistance were improved by the uniaxial restrained condition. Furthermore, the effect of the restrained condition must be considered to evaluate not only the experimental results of the expansive concrete with a high EX replacement level but also the expansive concrete combining other cement replacement materials.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2136
Issue number9
StatePublished - 1 May 2020


  • Carbonation resistance
  • Expansion strain
  • Expansive concrete
  • Frost resistance
  • Pore structure
  • Restrained condition


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