Inquiry on ways to integrate narrative into backward design

Hyeon Suk Kang, Ji Eun Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Globally, education trends have changed from rote learning and a test-centered class, to communicative and active learning. Korea is one of the countries promoting new trends in education. Particularly, Bruner’s narrative theory and Wiggins & McTighe’s backward design are receiving attention due to their congruence with new educational trends. The impact of education will be optimized by integrating narrative with backward design. However, until recently, few studies have examined the methods of integration. Thus, there is a need to conduct research on how to integrate these emerging two theories. This study explores the methods of integrating narrative theory and backward design for schooling. To address the research question, based on the literature review, this study conducted exploratory research and proposed ways to integrate the two. A narrative is, according to Bruner, a mode of human thoughts, structure for organizing knowledge, and an instrument for instruction. As a narrative comprises a series of accumulated acts, or meaningful events in human minds, three stages of backward design can apply narrative-based aspects. In stage 1, “enduring understanding” and “essential questions” are not merely intended for a specific test or a class; instead, as they are permanent and meaningful in our lives, a narrative can apply to them. In stage 2, as performance tasks have a narrative form, they can maximize learning effects. In stage 3, by providing reflection and construction of one’s narrative in a class, the learning plan will be much more meaningful to students’ school lives. In brief, the integration of narrative and backward design will be appropriate for the new Korean curriculum’s six key competencies. Students’ active and communicative competencies can develop through this integration. Furthermore, the integration would be applicable worldwide, and schooling would become much more meaningful.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)305-313
Number of pages9
JournalInternational Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research
Issue number21
StatePublished - 2017


  • Backward design
  • Backward design
  • Bruner
  • Integration of narrative
  • Narrative
  • Wiggins & McTighe


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