Intermediate plasmonic characteristics in a quasi-continuous metallic monolayer

Hansik Yun, Il Min Lee, Seung Yeol Lee, Kyoung Youm Kim, Byoungho Lee

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5 Scopus citations


There has been a significant interest on plasmonics in a metallic structure with very narrow gaps for studies of nanophotonics. However, little attention has been paid to the behavior of surface plasmons (SPs) in quasi-continuous metallic structures. This study observes and analyzes intermediate characteristics between propagating SPs (PSPs) and localized SPs (LSPs) in a quasi-continuous metallic monolayer of core-shell nanocubes. We reveal that, in a very narrow region of few-nanometer gaps among the nanocubes, the intrinsic energy bands of PSPs and LSPs intersect each other to generate two hybrid bands and an anti-crossing. Using a self-assembly method instead of the lithographic techniques which have several limitations as of now, we materialize the quasi-continuous metallic layer with plenty of nano-gaps that exhibit intermediate plasmonic characteristics. The intermediate plasmonic characteristics observed in this study will lead to interesting subjects, such as band engineering and slow SPs, in nanophotonics.

Original languageEnglish
Article number3696
JournalScientific Reports
StatePublished - 15 Jan 2014


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