Light-front quark model analysis of rare B→Kl+l- decays

Ho Meoyng Choi, Chueng Ryong Ji, L. S. Kisslinger

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35 Scopus citations


Using the light-front quark model, we calculate the transition form factors, decay rates, and longitudinal lepton polarization asymmetries for the exclusive rare B→Kl+l-(l=e,μ,τ) decays within the standard model. Evaluating the timelike form factors, we use the analytic continuation method in the q+ = 0 frame to obtain the form factors F+ and FT, which are free from the zero mode. The form factor F_ which is not free from the zero mode in the q+ = 0 frame and contaminated by the higher (or nonvalence) Fock states in the q+ ≠ 0 frame is obtained from an effective treatment for handling the nonvalence contribution based on the Bethe-Salpeter formalism. The covariance (i.e., frame independence) of our model calculation is discussed. We obtain the branching ratios for BR(B→Kl+l-) as 4.96×10-7|Vts/Vcb|2 for l=e,μ and 1.27×10-7|Vts/Vcb|2 for l=τ.

Original languageEnglish
Article number074032
Pages (from-to)740321-7403215
Number of pages6662895
JournalPhysical Review D
Issue number7 B
StatePublished - 1 Apr 2002


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