M theory fivebrane and confining phase of N = 1 SO(Nc) gauge theories

Changhyun Ahn, Kyungho Oh, Radu Tatar

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12 Scopus citations


The moduli space of vacua for the confining phase of N = 1 SO(Nc) supersymmetric gauge theories in four dimensions is analyzed by studying the M theory fivebrane. The type IIA brane configuration consists of a single NS5 brane, multiple copies of NS'5 branes, D4 branes between them, and D6 branes intersecting D4 branes. We construct M theory fivebrane configuration corresponding to the superpotential perturbation where the power of adjoint field is connected to the number of NS'5 branes. At a singular point in the moduli space where mutually local dyons become massless, the quadratic degeneracy of the N = 2 SO(Nc) hyperelliptic curve determines whether this singular point gives a N = 1 vacua or not. The comparison of the meson vevs in M theory fivebrane configuration with field theory results turns out that the effective superpotential by the "integrating in" method with enhanced gauge group SU (2) is exact.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)163-194
Number of pages32
JournalJournal of Geometry and Physics
Issue number1-2
StatePublished - Nov 1998


  • D branes
  • M theory
  • String theory
  • Supersymmetric gauge theories


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