Manifolds with hyperhopfian fundamental group as codimension-2 fibrators

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8 Scopus citations


Every hopfian n-manifold N with hyperhopfian fundamental group is known to be a codimension-2 orientable fibrator. In this paper, we generalize to the non-orientable setting by considering the covering space Ñ of N corresponding to H, where H is the intersection of all subgroups Hi,- of index 2 in π1](N). First, we will show that if π1(N) is hyperhopfian and Ñ is hopfian, then N is a codimension-2 fibrator. Then we get several results about codimension-2 fibrators as corollaries.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)241-248
Number of pages8
JournalTopology and its Applications
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1999


  • Approximate fibration
  • Codimension-2 fibrator
  • Continuity set
  • Degree one mod 2 map
  • Hopfian manifold
  • Hyperhopfian group


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