Measurement of the decay B0→π-+ν and determination of |Vub|

H. Ha, E. Won, I. Adachi, H. Aihara, T. Aziz, A. M. Bakich, V. Balagura, E. Barberio, A. Bay, K. Belous, V. Bhardwaj, B. Bhuyan, M. Bischofberger, A. Bondar, A. Bozek, M. Bračko, T. E. Browder, Y. Chao, A. Chen, P. ChenB. G. Cheon, C. C. Chiang, I. S. Cho, K. Cho, K. S. Choi, Y. Choi, J. Dalseno, M. Danilov, Z. Doležal, A. Drutskoy, W. Dungel, S. Eidelman, N. Gabyshev, B. Golob, J. Haba, K. Hayasaka, H. Hayashii, Y. Horii, Y. Hoshi, W. S. Hou, Y. B. Hsiung, H. J. Hyun, T. Iijima, K. Inami, R. Itoh, M. Iwabuchi, Y. Iwasaki, N. J. Joshi, T. Julius, J. H. Kang, T. Kawasaki, C. Kiesling, H. J. Kim, H. O. Kim, M. J. Kim, S. K. Kim, Y. J. Kim, K. Kinoshita, B. R. Ko, S. Korpar, P. Križan, T. Kuhr, T. Kumita, A. Kuzmin, Y. J. Kwon, S. H. Kyeong, J. S. Lange, M. J. Lee, S. H. Lee, Y. Li, A. Limosani, C. Liu, Y. Liu, D. Liventsev, R. Louvot, S. McOnie, K. Miyabayashi, H. Miyata, Y. Miyazaki, G. B. Mohanty, T. Mori, Y. Nagasaka, E. Nakano, M. Nakao, H. Nakazawa, Z. Natkaniec, S. Neubauer, S. Nishida, K. Nishimura, O. Nitoh, T. Nozaki, S. Ogawa, T. Ohshima, S. Okuno, S. L. Olsen, P. Pakhlov, G. Pakhlova, C. W. Park, H. Park, H. K. Park, R. Pestotnik, M. Petrič, L. E. Piilonen, M. Röhrken, S. Ryu, H. Sahoo, Y. Sakai, O. Schneider, C. Schwanda, A. J. Schwartz, K. Senyo, M. E. Sevior, M. Shapkin, C. P. Shen, J. G. Shiu, F. Simon, P. Smerkol, Y. S. Sohn, A. Sokolov, S. Stanič, M. Starič, T. Sumiyoshi, Y. Teramoto, K. Trabelsi, S. Uehara, T. Uglov, Y. Unno, S. Uno, S. E. Vahsen, G. Varner, K. E. Varvell, A. Vossen, C. H. Wang, M. Z. Wang, P. Wang, M. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe, Y. Yamashita, Z. P. Zhang, P. Zhou, V. Zhulanov, T. Zivko, A. Zupanc

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142 Scopus citations


We present a measurement of the charmless semileptonic decay B0→π-+ν using a data sample containing 657×106 BB̄ events collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e+e- collider operating near the Υ(4S) resonance. We determine the total branching fraction of the decay, B(B0→π-+ν)=(1.49±0.04(stat) ±0.07(syst))×10-4. We also report a new precise measurement of the differential decay rate and extract the Cabibbo-Kobayashi- Maskawa matrix element |Vub| using model-independent and model-dependent approaches. From a simultaneous fit to the measured differential decay rate and lattice QCD results, we obtain |Vub|=(3.43±0. 33)×10-3, where the error includes both experimental and theoretical uncertainties.

Original languageEnglish
Article number071101
JournalPhysical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Issue number7
StatePublished - 1 Apr 2011


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