Microstructure, Flexural Strength, and Fracture Toughness Comparison between CAD/CAM Milled and 3D-Printed Zirconia Ceramics

Min Su Kim, Min Ho Hong, Bong Ki Min, Young Kyung Kim, Hyun Jun Shin, Tae Yub Kwon

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


The present study comprehensively compared the microstructure, flexural strength, and fracture toughness of zirconia ceramics prepared via two different methods, subtractive milling (SM) and stereolithography (SLA). Disc- or rectangular-shaped zirconia specimens (Prettau (SM) and 3DMix Zirconia (SLA)) were prepared following each manufacturer’s instructions and polished. The microstructures of the two different zirconia specimens were studied by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffractometry, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and electron backscattered diffractometry. The flexural strength and fracture toughness based on the indentation fracture method were measured for the two different zirconia ceramics. A greater number of small pores and smaller grains were found in the SLA specimen than in the SM specimen. The crystal structure and microstructure analysis revealed that both ceramics had a similar phase composition to each other. No significant differences in flexural strength (p = 0.242) or fracture toughness (p = 0.101) were detected between the two ceramics. The mean flexural strength of the SLA-fabricated zirconia as well as the SM zirconia satisfied the class 5 criteria (>800 MPa) in the ISO 6872 standard.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9088
JournalApplied Sciences (Switzerland)
Issue number18
StatePublished - Sep 2022


  • 3D-printing
  • CAD/CAM milling
  • flexural strength
  • fracture toughness
  • microstructure
  • zirconia ceramic


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