Modified ramp-reset waveform robust for variable panel temperature and its discharge characteristics

Soo Kwan Jang, Heung Sik Tae, Soon Bae Kimb, Eun Young Jungb, Kwang Jong Suhb, Jung Chull Ahn, Eun Gi Heo, Byung Hak Lee, Kwang Sik Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


By the voltage threshold (Vt) close-curve measurement method, the changes in the discharge characteristics such as a firing voltage and IR emission among the three electrodes were examined relative to the low or high panel temperature ranging from -10 to 80°. The variation in the panel temperature was found significantly influence the surface discharge between the MgO surfaces rather than the plate gap discharge between the MgO and phosphor layers. Based on this experimental observation, a modified reset waveform that alleviates the surface discharge during a ramp-up and -down period was deeloped. By adopting the proposed reset waveform, a stable address discharge could be obtained irrespective of the panel temperature variation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)25-29
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Information Display
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2006


  • Panel temperature
  • Reset waveform
  • Vt close-curve


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