Molecular characterization and physico-chemical analysis of a new giant embryo mutant allele (get) in rice (Oryza saliva L)

Dong Soo Park, Soo Kwon Park, Bong Chun Lee, Song Yi Song, Nan Soo Jun, Norvie L. Manigbas, Jun Hyun Cho, Min Hee Nam, Jong Seong Jeon, Chang Deok Han, Kyung Jin Choi, Doh Hoon Kim, Youngmin Woo, Hee Jong Koh, Hang Won Kang, Gihwan Yi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

17 Scopus citations


The rice embryo is rich in lipid and protein bodies, bioactive chemicals such as dietary fiber, phytic acids, vitamin B and E, and gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) than the endosperm. In this paper, we report a new giant embryo mutant, get, induced from somaclonal variation derived by anther culture in rice. Sequence analysis of Cytochrome P450 of the get mutant revealed that getis a new allele of the GE gene with a single point mutation with substitution of amino acid, W395to L 395. The weight of the get mutant embryo was 3.7 times higher than normal embryo. Tocopherol and mineral content were also higher than the previously reported giant embryo rice variety, Keunnun. These results indicated that this new giant embryo rice (get) offers a promising source of genetic material in improving nutritional quality of rice especially tocopherol, essential minerals, and GABA.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)277-282
Number of pages6
JournalGenes and Genomics
Issue number4
StatePublished - Aug 2009


  • Anther culture
  • GABA
  • Giant embryo mutant
  • Rice
  • Tocopherol


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