Monosegmental hepatobiliary fibropolycystic disease mimicking a mass: Report of three cases

Jung Hyeok Kwon, Mi Jeong Kim, Young Hwan Kim, Koo Jeong Kang, Yu Na Kang, Sun Young Kwon

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Scopus citations


Hepatobiliary fibropolycystic diseases are a unique group of entities involving the liver and biliary tract, which are caused by abnormal embryologic development of the ductal plates at various stages. We experienced strange hepatobiliary fibropolycystic diseases with a complex mass composed of malformed ducts and biliary cysts, which did not belong to, and were different from, previously known malformations. They were unique in imaging and histologic features. We herein report three cases of monosegmental hepatobiliary fibropolycystic disease mimicking a mass.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)54-60
Number of pages7
JournalKorean Journal of Radiology
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2014


  • Caroli disease
  • Ductal plate malformations
  • Fibropolycystic disease
  • Monosegmental disease


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