Multi-objective sustainable design model for integrating CO2 emissions and costs for slabs in office buildings

Min Gyu Lee, Jung Hwan An, Sang Geun Bae, Hyung Seok Oh, Jewoo Choi, Da Yo Yun, Taehoon Hong, Dong Eun Lee, Hyo Seon Park

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


Composite beams comprising concrete slabs supported by steel beams typically constitute more than 70% of the total volume of the structure of an office building. Little, if any, research has been conducted regarding the design and construction of a floor system that successfully accounts for eco-friendliness. To remedy this, an optimal sustainable design model for composite beams (OSDMCB) has been developed. The proposed OSDMCB was used to analyse the relationship between CO2 emissions and costs required for the construction of concrete slabs supported by steel beams composed of four different materials: concrete, steel frame, rebar, and a shear connector. To verify the performance of the OSDMCB, it was applied to the design and construction of composite beams in a 30-story office building. When both costs and CO2 emissions are simultaneously minimised, the composite beam of the OSDMCB, compared with a composite beam without the OSDMCB, reduces the costs and CO2 emissions by 6.23% and 4.07%, respectively.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1096-1105
Number of pages10
JournalStructure and Infrastructure Engineering
Issue number8
StatePublished - 2 Aug 2020


  • CO2 emissions
  • Multi-objective optimisation
  • office buildings
  • slab system
  • sustainable structural design


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