30 Scopus citations


Cyclically competition models have been successful to gain an insight of biodiversity mechanism in ecosystems. There are, however, still limitations to elucidate complex phenomena arising in real competition. In this paper, we report that a multistability occurs in a simple rock-paper-scissor cyclically competition model by assuming that intraspecific competition depends on the logistic growth of each species density. This complex stability is absent in any cyclically competition model, and we investigate how the proposed intraspecific competition affects biodiversity in the existing society of three species through macroscopic and microscopic approaches. When the system is multistable, we show basins of the asymptotically stable heteroclinic cycle and stable attractors to demonstrate how the survival state is determined by initial densities of three species. Also, we find that the multistability is associated with a subcritical Hopf bifurcation. This surprising finding will give an opportunity to interpret rich dynamical phenomena in ecosystems which may occur in cyclic competition systems with different types of interactions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number113110
Issue number11
StatePublished - 1 Nov 2018


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