Natural soluble human leukocyte antigen class I in donor serum neutralizes donor-specific HLA alloantibodies in recipient serum

Dong Il Won, Nan Young Lee, Jeong Hoon Lim, Young Seok Han, Chan Duck Kim, Seung Huh

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3 Scopus citations


Background Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) molecules are cell-bound but can be identified in a soluble form. These soluble HLA (sHLA) molecules have an immunomodulatory function. We investigated whether natural sHLA in donor serum can neutralize donor-specific HLA alloantibodies (DSAs) in recipient serum. Methods Neutralizing effects of donor serum on DSAs in recipient serum were measured using inhibition assay principle of flow cytometric crossmatch (FCXM), performed using sera from 143 kidney transplant recipients and their donors. The adding of donor serum to recipient serum yielded lower mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) ratios (test/control) than when diluent was added [Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) or third-party serum], which was presumed to be caused by the neutralizing effects of sHLA. Results In the recipient group with class I DSAs alone (N=14), donor serum addition to recipient serum resulted in lower T cell MFI ratios [2.25 (1.31-32.51)] than those observed on RPMI addition [3.04 (1.33-125.39), P<0.05]. In the recipient group with class II DSAs alone (N=27), donor serum addition showed no significant difference in B cell MFI ratios [5.03 (1.41-103.53)] compared to diluent addition: RPMI [4.50 (1.34-145.98)] or third-party serum [5.08 (1.44-138.47)], P>0.05 for both. Conclusion Using inhibition FCXM, we verified that natural sHLA class I in donor serum neutralizes DSAs in recipient serum. However, no neutralizing effects of sHLA class II were revealed in this study. These potentially beneficial effects of sHLA infused via blood-derived products should be considered when desensitizing highly HLA-sensitized patients.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)91-98
Number of pages8
JournalBlood Research
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2020


  • Donor-specific HLA alloantibody
  • Flow cytometric crossmatch
  • Neutralization
  • Soluble HLA


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