Nonsurgical orthodontic correction of facial asymmetry by condylar remodeling and mandibular repositioning following occlusal cant correction with microimplants: a case report

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2 Scopus citations


Recently, the demand for correcting facial asymmetry has been increasing, even when the extent of asymmetry is small. This case report describes nonsurgical orthodontic treatment for facial asymmetry in a 13-year-old female patient, facilitated by moving the deviant mandible to the nondeviated side after correcting for relevant dental compensation using microimplants. Mandibular repositioning was attempted using intermaxillary elastics between the microimplants placed into each jaw and guided by resin that was bonded on the maxillary first molar of the deviated side. To enhance mandibular movement, correction of the transverse occlusal cant and buccolingual inclination of the teeth were also performed. After 65 months of gradual treatment, facial symmetry, with favorable occlusion and jaw function, was achieved. These satisfactory results, including a well-balanced face and good occlusal interdigitation, were well maintained at the 53-month follow-up. Direct and functional forces applied against deviant functional forces can reduce facial asymmetry by differential growth or modeling of the condyle.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)111-125
Number of pages15
JournalAngle Orthodontist
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2023


  • Facial asymmetry
  • Mandibular repositioning
  • Microimplant
  • Nonsurgical orthodontic treatment


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