On-Demand Remote Software Code Execution Unit Using On-Chip Flash Memory Cloudification for IoT Environment Acceleration

Dongkyu Lee, Moon Gi Seok, Daejin Park

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


In an Internet of Things (IoT)-configured system, each device executes on-chip software. Recent IoT devices require fast execution time of complex services, such as analyzing a large amount of data, while maintaining low-power computation. As service complexity increases, the service requires high-performance computing and more space for embedded space. However, the low performance of IoT edge devices and their small memory size can hinder the complex and diverse operations of IoT services. In this paper, we propose a remote on-demand software code execution unit using the cloudification of on-chip code memory to accelerate the program execution of an IoT edge device with a low-performance processor. We propose a simulation approach to distribute remote code executed on the server side and on the edge side according to the program’s computational and communicational needs. Our on-demand remote code execution unit simulation platform, which includes an instruction set simulator based on 16-bit ARM Thumb instruction set architecture, successfully emulates the architectural behavior of on-chip flash memory, enabling embedded devices to accelerate and execute software using remote execution code in the IoT environment.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)191-202
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Information Processing Systems
Issue number1
StatePublished - Feb 2021


  • Edge-Side Acceleration
  • Memory Cloudification
  • On-Demand Remote Code Execution


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