Origin of the eocene gyeongju a-type granite, se korea: Implication for the high fluorine contents

Bora Myeong, Jung Hoon Kim, Hyeong Dong Woo, Yun Deuk Jang

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2 Scopus citations


The Eocene Gyeongju granitoids in SE Korea are alkali feldspar granite (AGR), biotite granite (BTGR), and hornblende biotite granodiorite (HBGD) along Yangsan fault and Ulsan fault. According to their geochemical characteristics, these granitoids are classified as A-type (AGR) and I-type (BTGR and HBGD) granitoids, and regarded that were derived from same parental magma in upper mantle. The hornblende and biotite of AGR as an interstitial phase indicate that influx of F-rich fluid during the crystallization of AGR magma. AGR is enriched LILE (except Sr and Ba) and LREE that indicate the influences for subduction released fluids. The highest HFSE contents and zircon saturation temperature of AGR among the Eocene Gyeongju granitoids may indicate that it was affected by partial melting rather than magma fractionation. These characteristics may represent that the high F contents of AGR was affected by F-rich fluid derived from the subducted slab and partial melting. It corresponds with the results of the REE modeling and the dehydrated fluid component (Ba/Th) modeling showing that AGR (A-type) was formed by the partial melting of BTGR (I-type) with the continual influx of F-rich fluid derived from the subducted slab.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)439-453
Number of pages15
JournalEconomic and Environmental Geology
Issue number5
StatePublished - Oct 2018


  • A-type granite
  • Dehydrated fluid components
  • F-rich fluid
  • Fluorine
  • Partial melting


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