Performance Enhancement of 0.13μm In0.65GaAs PHEMT by Reduction of Parasitic Effect Using Novel Double-Deck Shaped (DDS) Gate Structure

Dae Hyun Kim, Seong Jin Yeon, Jae Hak Lee, Kwang Seok Seo

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


High Performance 0.13 μm In0.65GaAs PHEMT's have been realized utilizing novel Double-Deck Shaped (DDS) gate technology. By etching additionally grown InGaAs contact layer through initial line opening of gate foot and forming T-gate structure on top of the initial line, namely DDS gate, a remarkable suppression of gate fringing capacitance could be obtained, which also led to an improvement of device microwave performance. Moreover, a large reduction of gate hole current, due to the impact ionization in the strained InGaAs channel layer, was achieved by operating the device in quasi enhancement mode region, which could be realized by removing InP etch-stopper selectively through a low damaged Ar-based RIE. These features enabled to suppress kink effect and enhance on-state breakdown voltage (BVDS,ON) in a DC I-V transfer curve.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)723-726
Number of pages4
JournalTechnical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting
StatePublished - 2003
EventIEEE International Electron Devices Meeting - Washington, DC, United States
Duration: 8 Dec 200310 Dec 2003


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