Performance evaluation of AMQP over QUIC in the internet-of-thing networks

Faheem Iqbal, Moneeb Gohar, Hani Alquhayz, Seok Joo Koh, Jin Ghoo Choi

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3 Scopus citations


In today's world, the use of IoT devices is growing every day. For connecting IoT devices from various vendors and supporting a variety of IoT use cases, an interoperable protocol like AMQP is necessary. Researchers are striving to minimize delay because many IoT applications are sensitive to it. The transport layer protocol that is used underneath, such as TCP or UDP, is one of the main causes of the delay. Although TCP is slower than UDP because to the three-way handshake and the usage of TLS for security, it is more reliable than UDP. The Internet Engineering Task Force has introduced a new transport layer protocol called QUIC that combines the best features of UDP and TCP to offer quick and reliable communication. In this study, we integrated QUIC and AMQP1.0 using the Go programming language. The Docker tool was used to containerize the AMQP1.0 Broker, Sender, and Receiver implementations. The performance of AMQP1.0 over TCP and AMQP1.0 over QUIC was benchmarked in the NS3 simulator over various wireless networks including WiFi, 4G/LTE, and satellite. QUIC showed considerable improvement over lossy networks. The results showed that switching from TCP to QUIC at the transport level lowered Communication Time by 8.57% over Satellite network. Although Round Trip Time was almost same yet Start up Latency showed improvement of 52%, 38% and 34% in case of WiFi, 4G/LTE and Satellite respectively. In addition, the performance of AMQP1.0 over TCP and AMQP1.0 over QUIC has been evaluated over different Packet Loss values, the results show that AMQP1.0 over QUIC outperforms AMQP1.0 over TCP in all the cases. The testing results revealed that TCP performance was degraded by 20%, 16%, and 36% over WiFi, 4G/LTE, and satellite, respectively at Packet loss of 15%, while QUIC performance was only degraded by 4%, 8%, and 9% in each of these cases.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-9
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2023


  • AMQP
  • AMQP1.0
  • Docker
  • Energy analysis
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Performance analysis
  • QUIC
  • TCP


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