Performance of a silica-polyethyleneimine adsorbent for post-combustion CO2 capture on a 100 kg scale in a fluidized bed continuous unit

Jae Young Kim, Je Min Woo, Sung Ho Jo, Hyunuk Kim, Seung Yong Lee, Chang Keun Yi, Jong Ho Moon, Hyungseok Nam, Yooseob Won, Lee A. Stevens, Chenggong Sun, Hao Liu, Jingjing Liu, Colin E. Snape, Young Cheol Park

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


Polyethyleneimine (PEI)/silica adsorbents have been considered as a promising candidate for post-combustion CO2 capture, but the limited process study has been performed on a pilot-scale unit. Herein we report the 150 h continuous test results using a 100 kg sample of silica-PEI on a fluidized bed continuous unit. The CO2 removal efficiency and dynamic sorption capacity were evaluated continuously by changing a number of variables. For the sorption reactor, the changing variables were inlet H2O concentrations of 0–8.3 vol%, inlet CO2 concentrations of 12.0–21.5 vol%, bed temperatures of 50–70 °C and the bed differential pressures of 176–370 mmH2O. For the desorption reactor operated at the bed temperature of 129–130 °C, inlet H2O concentrations of 8.0–13.5 vol%, inlet CO2 concentrations of 14.6–81.2 vol% and bed differential pressures of 430–580 mmH2O were used. During continuous operation, CO2 removal efficiencies of over 90% were achieved with dynamic sorption capacities of 7.5 wt%. Solid sample collected during continuous operation were analyzed by TGA and 13C NMR to identity the decrease of CO2 adsorption capacity and the extent of thermo-oxidative side reactions. Slow oxidative degradation of the silica-PEI occurred because the transporting adsorbent was exposure to the non-humidified air in the solid transport system.

Original languageEnglish
Article number127209
JournalChemical Engineering Journal
StatePublished - 1 Mar 2021


  • 100 kg scale fluidized bed continuous unit
  • CO purity
  • Oxidative degradation
  • Post-combustion CO capture
  • Silica-PEI adsorbent


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