Possibilities and limitations of bruner's theory of narrative curriculum

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This article discusses the possibilities and limitations of Jerome Bruner's theory of narrative curriculum, which appears to oppose the so-called structure of knowledge theory. In terms of curriculum theory, nothing is more controversial in the Korean academic community than Bruner's stance. There are many advantages and opportunities to be found, however, in the narrative approach to curriculum design and development. According to the developmental perspective, Bruner's narrative theory offers significant theoretical meaning and effective practical strategies for curriculum construction. I will argue that Bruner's narrative theory plays an important role in changing education, based on alternative curriculum development. In practical terms, the narrative curriculum provides teachers with a new conception of educational content, teaching method, and unit planning. Until now, discussion of Bruner's theory has been from a biased point of view and a paradigmatic stance. Through this balanced review of Bruner's narrative theory, we are able to reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of the narrative approach to curriculum development. I explore the value of the Bruner's narrative curriculum theory and suggest new strategies for teaching and learning in light of this analysis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5875-5887
Number of pages13
Issue number8
StatePublished - 2017


  • Bruner
  • Curriculum design and development
  • Narrative theory
  • Structure of knowledge


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