Prediction of learning curves of 2 dental CAD software programs, part 2: Differences in learning effects by type of dental personnel

Keun Ba Da Son, Kyu Bok Lee

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14 Scopus citations


Statement of problem: Dental computer-aided design (CAD) software programs are essential elements of the digital workflow. Therefore, it is necessary to study the learning effect of dental CAD software programs for efficient use. Purpose: The purpose of this in vitro study was to predict the learning curve of dental CAD software programs according to dental personnel by using the Wright model and to investigate the tendency of dental personnel to reduce working time according to repeated learning. Material and methods: A total of 36 participants were recruited, including an equal number of dentists, dental technicians, and dental students (12 each). A custom abutment design was evaluated by using exocad CAD and Deltanine CAD software programs. The design was carried out in the following order: 4 steps repeated 3 times each. This study applied the formula of the Wright model to predict 500 repetitive times. In the statistical analysis, 3-repetition and 500-repetition times were analyzed with the Kruskal-Wallis H test and Friedman test (α=.05), and a post hoc comparison was performed by using the Mann-Whitney U-test and Bonferroni correction method (α=.017). Results: Three repetitions resulted in shorter working time in the dental technician group. The 3-repetition time decreased statistically for all dental personnel (P<.001). The time for 500 repetitions showed a statistically significant difference according to the type of dental personnel (P=.036), but no significant difference was found after the fourth iteration (fifth iteration: P=.076). Furthermore, the estimated time of 500 iterations decreased statistically significantly from the first to the 500th iteration (P<.001). Conclusions: All dental personnel showed learning effects of dental CAD software programs. Although the dental technician group initially showed less working time, after initial learning, the same learning effect appeared, regardless of the type of dental personnel.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)747-752
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Prosthetic Dentistry
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2020


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