Prevalence, survival outcomes, and clinicopathologic factors associated with negative high risk human papillomavirus in surgical specimens of cervical cancer with pretreatment negative DNA genotype test

Gun Oh Chong, Hyung Soo Han, Ji Young Park, Seon Duk Lee, Yoon Hee Lee, Hyun Jung Lee, Dae Gy Hong, Yoon Soon Lee

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1 Scopus citations


Objective The aim of this study was to detect high risk human papillomavirus in cervical cancer with a pretreatment negative high risk human papillomavirus DNA genotype test and to evaluate clinicopathologic characteristics and survival outcomes according to high risk human papillomavirus status. Methods We investigated high risk human papillomavirus status in surgical specimens from 30 cases of cervical cancer using polymerase chain reaction. Polymerase chain reaction primers were set to detect the presence of the common L1 and E7 regions of human papillomavirus types 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58. We analyzed the following clinicopathologic parameters to evaluate their relationships with high risk human papillomavirus status: age, histology, stage, tumor size, invasion depth, lymphovascular invasion, and recurrent status. Results Among 30 cases with a pretreatment negative DNA genotype test, high risk human papillomavirus was detected in 12 (40.0%), whereas 18 (60.0%) were negatives. Of 12 high risk human papillomavirus positive cases, 10 (33.3%) were positive for the L1 region, 6 (20.0%) of the 7 types were positive for the E7 region, and 4 (13.1%) were positive for both L1 and E7 regions. According to a multiple logistic regression model, tumor size (odds ratio 7.80; 95% confidence interval 1.476 to 41.216; P=0.0097) and stage (odds ratio 7.00; 95% confidence interval 1.293 to 37.910; P=0.0173) were associated with negative high risk human papillomavirus DNA status. Kaplan-Meier survival plots showed that negative high risk human papillomavirus status was associated with worse disease free survival in contrast with positive high risk human papillomavirus status (P=0.0392). Conclusions Negative high risk human papillomavirus was found in 60% of cervical cancers with a pretreatment negative DNA genotype test. Moreover, the negative high risk human papillomavirus group was associated with worse survival outcome.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)10-16
Number of pages7
JournalInternational Journal of Gynecological Cancer
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2019


  • Cervical cancer
  • high-risk human papilloma virus
  • negativity


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