Prospects for axion detection in natural SUSY with mixed axion-higgsino dark matter: Back to invisible?

Kyu Jung Bae, Howard Baer, Hasan Serce

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22 Scopus citations


Under the expectation that nature is natural, we extend the Standard Model to include SUSY to stabilize the electroweak sector and PQ symmetry to stabilize the QCD sector. Then natural SUSY arises from a Kim-Nilles solution to the SUSY μ problem which allows for a little hierarchy where μ∼ fa2/MP∼ 100-300 GeV while the SUSY particle mass scale mSUSY∼ 1-10 TeV ≥ μ. Dark matter then consists of two particles: a higgsino-like WIMP and a SUSY DFSZ axion. The range of allowed axion mass values ma depends on the mixed axion-higgsino relic density. The range of ma is actually restricted in this case by limits on WIMPs from direct and indirect detection experiments. We plot the expected axion detection rate at microwave cavity experiments. The axion-photon-photon coupling is severely diminished by charged higgsino contributions to the anomalous coupling. In this case, the axion may retreat, at least temporarily, back into the regime of near invisibility. From our results, we urge new ideas for techniques which probe both deeper and more broadly into axion coupling versus axion mass parameter space.

Original languageEnglish
Article number024
JournalJournal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Issue number6
StatePublished - 12 Jun 2017


  • Axions
  • dark matter experiments
  • dark matter theory
  • supersymmetry and cosmology


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