Resistive and photocurrent switching behaviors of a flexible VO2/mica device fabricated via laser ablation patterning

Han Gyeol Kim, Deok Hun Kim, Jehoon Lee, Junyeob Yeo, Joonghoe Dho

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We fabricated flexible resistive and photocurrent switching devices based on VO2 films grown on a 3-μm-thick mica substrate using a laser ablation patterning process, enabled by the unique thermal and electrical insulating properties of mica. We confirmed that the metal-insulator transition characteristics of the VO2 film grown on the mica substrate remained stable under outward and inward bending deformations, with curvature κ ranging from +0.2 mm⁻1 to −0.2 mm⁻1. The flexible VO2 devices demonstrated stable and fast resistive switching performances even at low voltages. Additionally, the devices generated a photocurrent proportional to the light intensity at low bias voltages. Notably, we demonstrated that the photocurrent switching behavior of the flexible VO2 device can be adjusted using pulsed-voltage measurements. These results suggest that the flexible VO2/mica device, fabricated via a laser ablation patterning process, provides a cost-effective and straightforward approach for developing flexible VO2-based resistive memory and optoelectronic devices.

Original languageEnglish
Article number109276
JournalMaterials Science in Semiconductor Processing
StatePublished - Apr 2025


  • : vanadium dioxide
  • Flexible optoelectronic devices
  • Metal-insulator transition
  • Resistive switching


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