Rhubarb juice as a natural antibrowning agent

S. M. Son, K. D. Moon, C. Y. Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

47 Scopus citations


To search for natural antibrowning agents, rhubarb juice was tested on fresh-cut apple slices and found to have a potent effect. Liberty apple slices were treated in various concentrations of rhubarb juice (5% - 100%), and the rate of discoloration at room temperature was measured by a Hunter Colorimeter. Apple slices treated in the 5% - 10% solution showed browning activity with δL values of 2.3 - 2.5 at two hours. However, the concentrations of rhubarb juice above 20% inhibited apple browning effectively with no change in the L value for several hours. Analysis of oxalic acid in rhubarb juice showed that the 20% solution contained about 67 mg/100g.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1288-1289
Number of pages2
JournalJournal of Food Science
Issue number8
StatePublished - 2000


  • Browning activity
  • Fresh-cut apple
  • Natural antibrowning agents
  • Oxalic acid
  • Rhubarb juice


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