Search for Θ + in K+d→ Kpp reaction at J-PARC

Jung Keun Ahn, Shin Hyung Kim

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4 Scopus citations


We propose to search for Θ + in K+d→ Kpp reaction at pK+=0.5 GeV/c at J-PARC. A large acceptance Hyperon Spectrometer, which consists mainly of a time projection chamber and a 1-T superconducting magnet, will exclusively measure the decay products of Θ +, such that Θ +→ Kp, followed by K→ π+π-, with a mass resolution of 1 MeV at MΘ. We investigated the feasibility of the proposed experiment using a Monte Carlo simulation. As a result, we expect to collect five orders of magnitude Θ + events, assuming a cross section of 300 μb in 15-day beam time at J-PARC.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)579-585
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of the Korean Physical Society
Issue number6
StatePublished - Mar 2023


  • Hyperon Spectrometer
  • J-PARC
  • Kd reaction
  • Pentaquark


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