Semantic network analysis on the geography of food as represented in textbooks: for alternative food education for young people

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This study compared the structural characteristics of the geography and pedagogy of food for young people, which is represented in geography textbooks used by the IBDP and Korean world geography. By using the KrKwic, which is a semantic network analysis software, the study analyzed the extent to which factors related to the geography and pedagogy of food for young people were reflected in two geography textbooks as well as the semantic network and degree centrality by which these factors formed each other. The results suggest that future world geography textbooks need to consider alternative competencies for young people, such as global citizenship, food citizenship, and environmental sustainability, when dealing with the geography of food.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2148417
JournalCogent Social Sciences
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2022


  • content analysis
  • geography of food
  • geography textbook
  • semantic network analysis


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