Signal-to-noise ratio measurement of a double-sided silicon strip detector by using 45-MeV proton beam

D. H. Son, Y. I. Kim, Heedong Kang, H. J. Kim, H. O. Kim, H. Park, S. Ryu, Kyeryung Kim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


The test result of a double-sided silicon strip detector (DSSD) obtained using a 45-MeV proton beam from the MC-50 cyclotron at Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Science (KIRAMS) in Seoul, Korea, is presented. The manufactured DSSD consists of the double-sided silicon strip sensor and front-end electronics for signal readout. The implanted strips on the p-side are perpendicular to those on the n-side to provide two dimensional position information. The strip sensor has 512 readout channels on each side, and its size is 5.56 cm × 2.95 cm. For the sensor signal readout, we use a VA1TA-3 ASIC chip from Gamma Medica-Ideas, Norway, which provides analog outputs of 128 channels and a wire-OR'ed trigger output for every event. We present the details of the readout electronics systems and the beam test result of the sensor-electronics assembly.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)949-953
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of the Korean Physical Society
Issue number3 PART 1
StatePublished - Mar 2008


  • DSSD
  • Proton beam
  • Signal-to-noise ratio
  • Silicon strip sensors
  • VA1TA ASIC chip


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