Spiritual leadership in South Korea: A multi-sample analysis of the brokerage sector

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5 Scopus citations


This multi-sample study examined the universality of Fry's (2008) extended model of spiritual leadership, which includes inner life and life satisfaction as new variables, within the context of South Korea's financial brokerage sector, which is facing uncertain job security. This study supported Fry's (2003) baseline model; however, only life satisfaction, as an extension to the theory, was supported, revealing that despite uncertainties, spiritual leadership facilitates life satisfaction. Results did not support inner life as an antecedent variable due to low reliability (alpha =.65). Notably, membership contributed almost all of the variance on organizational commitment, as compared to calling, while playing an equal impact on productivity and life satisfaction. The results revealed the challenges of translating the concept of spirituality into Korean, and also the need to examine the relationship of Confucianism to the emergence of spiritual leadership in a Korean context.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)84-88
Number of pages5
JournalLife Science Journal
Issue numberSPEC. ISSUE 7
StatePublished - 2014


  • Confucianism
  • Inner life
  • Life satisfaction
  • South Korea
  • Spiritual leadership
  • Workplace spirituality


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