Study of a generalized birks formula for the scintillation response of a CaMoO4 crystal

J. Y. Lee, H. J. Kim, Sang Jun Kang, M. H. Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


We have investigated the scintillation characteristics of CaMoO4 (CMO) crystals by using a gamma source and various internal alpha sources. A 137Cs source with 662-keV gamma-rays was used for the gamma-quanta light yield calibration. Internal radioactive contaminations provided alpha particles with different energies from 5.41 to 7.88 MeV. We developed a C++ program based on the ROOT package for the fitting of parameters in a generalized Birks semi-empirical formula by combining the experimental and the simulation data. Results for the fitted Birks parameters are kb1 = 3.3 × 10 −3 (g/MeVcm2) for the 1st parameter and kb2 = 7.9 × 10 −5 (g/MeVcm2)2 for the 2nd parameter. The χ2/n.d.f. (Number of Degree of Freedom) is calculated as 0.1/4. We were able to estimate the 238U and 234U contaminations in a CMO crystal by using the generalized Birks semi-empirical formula.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)928-933
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of the Korean Physical Society
Issue number12
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2017


  • Birks parameter
  • CMO crystal
  • Scintillation detector
  • Scintillation response


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