Synchronous Diagnosis of Respiratory Viruses Variants via Receptonics Based on Modeling Receptor‒Ligand Dynamics

Sung Eun Seo, Kyung Ho Kim, Siyoung Ha, Hanseul Oh, Jinyeong Kim, Soomin Kim, Lina Kim, Minah Seo, Jai Eun An, Yoo Min Park, Kyoung G. Lee, Yu Kyung Kim, Woo Keun Kim, Jung Joo Hong, Hyun Seok Song, Oh Seok Kwon

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


The transmission and pathogenesis of highly contagious fatal respiratory viruses are increasing, and the need for an on-site diagnostic platform has arisen as an issue worldwide. Furthermore, as the spread of respiratory viruses continues, different variants have become the dominant circulating strains. To prevent virus transmission, the development of highly sensitive and accurate on-site diagnostic assays is urgently needed. Herein, a facile diagnostic device is presented for multi-detection based on the results of detailed receptor‒ligand dynamics simulations for the screening of various viral strains. The novel bioreceptor-treated electronics (receptonics) device consists of a multichannel graphene transistor and cell-entry receptors conjugated to N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC). An ultrasensitive multi-detection performance is achieved without the need for sample pretreatment, which will enable rapid diagnosis and prevent the spread of pathogens. This platform can be applied for the diagnosis of variants of concern in clinical respiratory virus samples and primate models. This multi-screening platform can be used to enhance surveillance and discriminate emerging virus variants before they become a severe threat to public health.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2303079
JournalAdvanced Materials
Issue number9
StatePublished - 1 Mar 2024


  • field-effect transistors
  • interfacing chemistry
  • portable devices
  • receptonics
  • respiratory viruses


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