The coupling of winds, ocean turbulence, and High Salinity Shelf Water in the Terra Nova Bay Polynya

Una Kim Miller, Christopher J. Zappa, Arnold L. Gordon, Seung Tae Yoon, Craig Stevens, Liv Cornelissen, Sukyoung Yun, Won Sang Lee

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1 Scopus citations


The Terra Nova Bay (TNB) Polynya in the Western Ross Sea of Antarctica is a major producer of High Salinity Shelf Water (HSSW), a precursor to Antarctica Bottom Water (AABW). Processes occurring in and around the polynya can therefore effect change in the lower limb of overturning circulation in this region. Here, we use data from a densely-instrumented upper-ocean mooring, deployed for 1 year in a region of active HSSW formation within TNB, to examine the coupling of surface brine rejection and vertical mixing to katabatic wind forcing. We find a high correlation between salinity and winds during the wintertime HSSW production season at the mooring site, with a lag-response of 20 h in near-surface (∼47 m) salinity to winds measured at the nearby Automatic Weather Station (AWS) Manuela. Salinity and temperature measurements show a fully destratified water column by June, with a lag-response of near-seabed (∼360 m) salinity to near-surface salinity of just 5 h. Measurements of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) dissipation rate (ɛ) from moored pulse-coherent acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) show general agreement with classic boundary layer scaling (BLS), and calculations of a vertical mixing timescale using the Obukhov length scale average to ∼2.5 h during austral winter, consistent with the 5-h lag time observed in the salinity data. Comparisons to data from concurrent mooring deployments along the southern boundary of TNB, as well as to previously published assessments of model simulations and data from Climatic Long-term Interaction for the Mass-balance in Antarctica (CLIMA) moorings, allow us to explore spatial variability in the coupling of winds and salinity across TNB and to speculate on possible HSSW circulation pathways.

Original languageEnglish
Article number105412
JournalDeep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography
StatePublished - Dec 2024


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