The distance-regular graphs with valency k≥2, diameter D≥3 and kD−1+kD≤2k

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Let Γ be a distance-regular graph with valency k and diameter D, and let x be a vertex of Γ. We denote by ki(0≤i≤D) the number of vertices at distance i from x. In this paper, we try to quantify the difference between antipodal and non-antipodal distance-regular graphs. We will look at the sum kD−1+kD, and consider the situation where kD−1+kD≤2k. If Γ is an antipodal distance-regular graph, then kD−1+kD=kD(k+1). It follows that either kD=1 or the graph is non-antipodal. And for a non-antipodal distance-regular graph, it was known that kD(kD−1)≥k and kD−1≥k both hold. So, this paper concerns on obtaining more detailed information on the number of vertices for a non-antipodal distance-regular graph. We first concentrate on the case where the diameter equals three. In this case, the condition kD+kD−1≤2k is equivalent to the condition that the number of vertices is at most 3k+1. And we extend this result to all diameters. We note that although the result of the diameter 3 case is a corollary of the result of all diameters, the main difficulty is the diameter 3 case, and that the diameter 3 case confirms the following conjecture: there is no primitive distance-regular graph with diameter 3 having the M-property.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)550-561
Number of pages12
JournalDiscrete Mathematics
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1 Mar 2017


  • 2-walk-regular graphs
  • Antipodal distance-regular graphs
  • Distance-regular graphs
  • The M-property


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